Working together to create a circular economy for paper & packaging

Working together to create a
circular economy for paper & packaging

Oregon Recycling System Optimization Plan 


Questionnaire Resources

About the Questionnaire

Work through the questionnaire with your service provider partner(s) as soon as possible in order to facilitate the overall Oregon Recycling System Optimization Plan process.

  • The questionnaire will ask detailed questions about recycling operations such as collections, depots, materials, and transportation.

    However, the amount of information requested in the questionnaire depends on the number of different areas for which a local government is intending to request reimbursement. Some jurisdictions may only need to complete some sections of the questionnaire.

  • The ORSOP effort is essential in implementing the Recycling Modernization Act.

    As part of our work for CAA, RRS is requesting jurisdictions complete a questionnaire, which was sent out to local governments on May 29th, 2024, to provide the information that will be used to prioritize investments and to estimate the full cost of service expansion in the first program plan period (July 1, 2025 - December 31, 2027). This information is critical to estimating and dispersing RMA funding.

  • The questionnaire is not an application for reimbursement.

    However, completing the questionnaire is essential for CAA to prioritize funding. CAA will have no basis for scheduling investments or reimbursements for local governments that do not complete the questionnaire.

  • Deadline

    Questionnaires should be completed as soon as possible, no later than July 26.

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About CAA

Circular Action Alliance (CAA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) dedicated to implementing effective Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws for paper and packaging in the United States.

About RRS

RRS is a sustainability consulting firm working with Circular Action Alliance (CAA) to assist in collecting data for the Oregon Recycling System Optimization Plan (ORSOP).